Massive Update
So, I'm falling behind on the updates, but then again, I'm on holiday so I'm allowed to. So where are we right now? In Kelowna, a lovely little city of 150k. Its on the side of a lake (big big big one) and has hills and trees all around. But lets step back in time (woooo, trippy) and see where we've been up until now.
So we left Edmonton and headed into the rockies. Jasper to be specific. This many pine trees can not exist. The place is simply overflowing with them. Just look at the roadside.

So we booked into a log cabin on the side of a river, rented some mountain bikes and basically mountained ourselves to smithereens. Nothing like some nature to recharge the batteries (except of our cameras - wouldn't that be nice).

Oh, that's an oldsmobile, for those who are interested. We've now driven most of the "local" brands. We started in a jeep, then had a little chevy, on to a toyota, a dodge van, and now we have an olds. Nice, huh?

So we packed the car and headed towards the great Vancouver. The first part of the trip is in honestly the most beautiful landscape on the planet. Its crazy.

But look at what a problem these people are - this sign is in parking lots all over the show:

Cra-a-a-zy. We ended up spending the night in the middle of the karoo. Well, it felt like it. Crummy place called Kamloops. Its probably not that bad, but if you've been eating steak, polony doesn't taste so great, you know? We did find a place to watch the game though (NHL Finals - we are FULLY hooked) and have a few beers, including this one:

That is all for now. More to come soon.
I have just read week's worth of your posts and am totally loving all the news - the move, the locum, the animation mentor, the holiday. It all sounds so exciting and we are utterly jealous! We are itching to travel and you guys are an absolute inspiration! Jo'burg isn't the same without you, but it's still a cool place to live. But it doesn't have cool foreign let's see the world appeal. Envy seeping from every pore... But we miss you. Have I said that? Gotta go to a meeting - pooey. Loooots of love.
Please explain - what is with the little disabled wheelchair icon thingy next to the word verification? It intrigues me...
I agree with lindie, jealous jealous jealous.
Looks like a whole lot of fun bro. Enjoy!
ps. lindie, i think if you're a paraplegic you don't have to type the verification text... :)
The pictures of mountains have sold me. I think I'm going to go visit the Rockies just to stare at them for a while.
Thanks for the updates guys! Man those pics are great - looks like there's some real beauty in them thar hills...
I'm amazed at how you guys have eased into the "worldly traveller" guise - your early posts reflect a somewhat different state of mind! Looks like you are having a ball!
Niamh and Lorraine are doing well - baby is feeding and sleeping like a pro, and she ain't so slimy anymore! So guys, any plans for kids on your side in the not too distant future? Huh?
Well keep up the great pics and say "HI" to some trees for me!
Speak to ya soon,
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