If you have no friends, make some...
Ha ha ha ha. I can't help but laugh out loud. That would be such a sad thing if it were true. Okay, so you have already scrolled down and seen the photo, so you know what this is about, but pretend that you haven't.
I got dirty today. Or at least I would have, if I weren't playing in something which is inherently clean (except if its yellow). That's right, snow. We are slowly losing it to the greedy atmosphere and I realised this morning while taking out the rubbish that I hadn't yet done something we all believe we will do:
Build a snow-dude.
We see kids doing it on movies and tv shows our whole lives. We imagine that we could, if we so wished, build a snowman any time we like. Just a few technical things, like sometimes the snow isn't quite the right consistency (its too watery - like in Cape Town) or its too far to carry into the garden (like 14 999 871.63 metres - our garden in Yorkton to our back garden in JHB - I measured). But asside from these little things, its a pretty easy thing to do, right? You take a snow ball and roll it around the garden until its a big snow ball. Do this twice more, a few nice round pebbles and a carrot from Mum, and we're done. No-mess-no-fuss.
Lets just come back to reality. Its really more like building a sand castle and takes quite some time. It took about an hour and a half to build this dude, but that did include de-capitating him to build up his body some more and replacing his head. And let me tell you, snow is heavy. Today its nice and sticky (I think it has something to do with it being old snow) so packing it was quite easy. You get knee deep, and having a snow-shovel really helps. Unlike sandcastles however, I haven't got any sand in my jocks. Also, I'm not sun-burned.
The onc surprising thing was just how easy finding pebbles was. I thought I was going to have to make do with something else, like pistachios (dirt cheap here - so I can use them as dirt), but they are all over the show. Not gravel, pebbles. Next time I'll make a Calvin-esque Snowman scene. I will need to do some planning though.
Oh, and I wanted this picture to be a time-lapse sequence, but alas I can't do that on this blogger thingie.

And our builder. Look how pretty he is. He has Massive Attack in his ears.

so impressed with him andrew! heis lifesize too...
That looks really good. We made a small one when we were in Paris last year, but it was probably about 20cm tall (we didn't have anywhere near as much snow to work with). Very impressive!
There's snow business, like show business...
Glad to see you're making friends and not just making them up, like me...
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