Well well. If there is a more "North American" thing, I can't think of it. Homecoming Queen, Homecoming Dance, Homecoming Fair, and Homecoming Parade. We probably had all of them, but we only got to "take part" in the last two. That is of course if laughing ourselves silly at the people is considered "taking part". Lets just get you in the right mood.

But lets be slightly cronological. We went to the fair first. It cost us a full $9 each, so we made sure we looked at (and laughed at) everything. Its like we stepped into a movie (again). Forgive us for the image quality and composition. We forgot to take the camera, so had to take the pictures from outside. We were NOT going to pay and $9 each, despite the priceless characters inside.

On to the parade. Now, the plan was to take enough pictures that I could stick the whole parade together, one float/car/horse at a time and put it up here. Impossible. I have all the pictures, but its about sixty-thousand, so I'll just give you the highlights reel.
Firstly, it's the highlight of the year, aparently. EVERYONE was there.
Lining the streets. Literally.

Another float. A motorised red-wagon. A Camel. Old dudes on trikes. The wa-wa t-bird patrol (which induced more laughter than can possibly be possible. I nearly wet myself)

Also, is anyone still reading this rubbish? I get the feeling I'm writing for Lindie and me. Anyone?
That is all.
Yeah, I also stop by every now and again - so keep it coming :)
Yip, still reading.. Even though you don't reply to me emails..
Even your dad reads this stuff.
We read... quietly... but we read.
if this bloody thing posted my comments u would know that i also read!!! ahhh frustrating
It seems I am your number one fan! I have been waaaiiiting for this post and it was so worth the wait. I am laughing, quite hysterically, in my office. Do you guys remember Fontana (Not only the place, but the guy that we diced)? For some reason this made me think of that night- what a hoot. Oh, come home you silly fools!
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