Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Who now?

Well, either we are now famous, or someone is pulling our leg. Jaques? Who are you? Most of the people who read this silly rag are family and friends. I haven't paid for any advertising (although, ...)? Confused confused. As far as writing in french, its not likely to be terribly interesting. There are only very few french words in my vocab, so I would quickly run out of ways to combine "bonjour", "wee", "bon voyage" and the numbers one to ten. Oh wait, nine. No, ten. Yes. Perhaps you can comment in french and that way I can slowly learn through translation. As we know, thanks to Paul, I have lots of time on my hands, and its probably better spent learning french than watching Star Trek reruns.

Make it so.


At 3:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many Trekkies around the world would perhaps argue that you could combine both the wish to learn a new language and the wish to watch Star Trek all day. The new language being, of course, Klingon.

Live long and prosper..

At 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yes and make with the pictures already. I want a down-to-earth pictorial of my potential future home - with more of your satirical editorial to keep me amused...

(Klingon for goodbye, apparently)

At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

re Jacques, I thought of a funny story. I (cleverly) put my cell number on my skype ID and proceeded to get many very loving and mildly terrifying messages and calls from a man in Sudan, who seems pretty taken with me. I kid you not. Careful of Jacques. I am sure he is lovley, but beware...


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