Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hello from Abbotsford

Hello! Phew, we are here, I am working, we have a place to live with furniture, the sun shone today. Life is good. I am so happy to finally have things going and to be able to catch my breathe a little. The last few months have not been fun. Abbotsford is a big city to us now, about 160000 people I think. We have to drive 10km to gym (but its a nice one) and work isn't just around the corner. There are lots more people our age too. Haven't made any friends yet, but I hope we do soon. I'll start recruiting patients.

There are so many flowers here and the whole of BC is just crazy beautiful. I know Andrew will be putting up some photos soon.

Oh, I've entered to run the Vancouver half marathon in June. My first. I am a small time jogger, but have decided to kick it up a notch, so any tips or advise from people who've done one before would be greatly appreciated. For those of you who've run comrades etc, I know this little run is lame, but help! Oh, and anyone considering buying that nike+ gadget(www.nike.com/nikeplus) for running, do. Super cool.

K. Bye.


At 2:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you guys are settling in better - look forward to pics.

Keep up the running - my advice is to keep putting one foot in front of the other (going side to side just leaves you where you started!).....

Love Jo and Allan

At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ramp up SLOWLY !!!
My advancing age has amplified that fact. There is no such thing as crash training. Oh, and a word from Tim Noakes : specificity. Big word. Means that the best way to train for running is, you guessed, RUNNING.

Good luck with the training.
I'll try and think of some wisdom about running to bestow apon you in my next comment.



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